Local Optometrist Elected COA Secretary-Treasurer
Sacramento, Calif. - The California Optometric Association (COA) is happy to announce the election of Ron Seger, OD, FAAO as its secretary-treasurer.
Dr. Seger, who has been in practice since 1989, was inaugurated as secretary-treasurer on February 27 at COA’s House of Delegates meeting.
He was the COA Santa Clara County Optometric Society president in the mid-1990s, went on to serve as a COA trustee and on the Vision West board. Dr. Seger joined the COA board again in 2014 as trustee.
Over his career, Dr. Seger worked as a research optometrist at Bausch & Lomb (B&L), Dow Corning, and CooperVision. At Dow Corning, he developed and patented the design for Silsoft silicone rubber contact lenses, which are still in use for aphakic infants and children. Between the B&L and Dow Corning years, he worked in private practice with his father in San Luis Obispo.
Dr. Seger received his doctor of optometry degree from UC Berkeley.
Dr. Seger says his passions are excellence in patient care and for the profession of optometry.
Established in 1899, the California Optometric Association is California's oldest organized community for doctors of optometry. Representing doctors of optometry throughout the state, COA is dedicated to support and advance the profession of optometry to assure quality health care for all Californians. Learn more at coavision.org, Facebook.com/CaliforniaOptometric and Twitter.com/COA_Vision.
Rachael Van Cleave
Communications & Social Media Manager
California Optometric Association
(916) 266-5043