CE@HomeOnline: Oculocutaneous Albinism (OTHER) | California Optometric Association
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1. Photophobia and UV exposure are major public health concerns for individuals with albinism on the continent of Africa. *
2. OCA patients do not often utilize low vision devices because of their extreme magnification needs. *
3. In OCA, a majority of axonal fibers decussate ipsilaterally at the optic chiasm. *
4. Patients with OCA often present with strabismus, nystagmus, and high refractive error *
5. The most common form of nystagmus in OCA is pendular in wave form. *
6. Oculocutaneous albinism is a group of disorders involving the disruption of melanin biosynthesis. *
7. All forms of OCA follow an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern. *
8. Photoreceptor degeneration is the primary limiting factor for visual acuity in OCA *
9. The four types of OCA are classified based on the specific gene mutation involved. *
10. OCA2 is the most common subtype in Africa. *


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California Optometric Association
2701 Del Paso Road, Ste. 130-398 | Sacramento, CA 95835 | 833-206-0598