COA’s 2015 Legislative Day a huge success | California Optometric Association
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COA’s 2015 Legislative Day a huge success


On April 21, we welcomed nearly 150 doctors, students and friends of optometry to Sacramento for COA’s annual Legislative Day. In a day crammed with information about important legislation affecting optometry and full of interesting speakers, including Assembly Member Evan Low, Senator Ed Hernandez, OD, and Assembly Member Brian Jones, our members managed to squeeze in meetings or brief drop-ins to each of the 120 legislators’ offices in the Capitol. This was no small feat given the very crowded halls of the Capitol and the incredibly busy schedules of both the legislators and COA members.

COA would like to take a moment to thank all of our ODs, students and friends of optometry who made the trip to Sacramento to participate in this year’s COA Legislative Day! Your participation in this important event has helped to shape important legislative successes in the days immediately following which would not have been possible without your advocacy on COA Legislative Day and beyond.

In the days following Legislative Day, COA’s Board of Trustees, Legislation-Regulation Committee and our powerful Key Person network have worked diligently to champion two pieces of legislation: Senate Bill 402, Mitchell, which will require all children to get a comprehensive eye exam before entering school and every two years thereafter; and, SB 622, Hernandez, which will increase the optometric scope of practice in California. Both of these bills have successfully passed  their first  Senate committee and now await their next hearing in the Senate Appropriations  Committee – their final hurdle before a Senate floor vote to go on to the Assembly for approval. Additionally, AB 789, Calderon, which would have prohibited unilateral pricing policies (UPP) for the sale of contact lenses, has been defeated for this year.

Our recent successes in the Legislature are shining examples of the power of your grassroots network! You have demonstrated to the lawmakers in Sacramento that with our voices ringing in unison, doctors of optometry can make a difference. We look forward to seeing you for Legislative Day 2016 and, in the meantime, please continue to be an advocate for your patients and your profession!

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COA Champion Supporters:

California Optometric Association
2701 Del Paso Road, Ste. 130-398 | Sacramento, CA 95835 | 833-206-0598