California minimum wage rises to $9 an hour July 1 | California Optometric Association
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California minimum wage rises to $9 an hour July 1

Pursuant to legislation enacted last year, effective July 1, 2014, the California minimum wage will rise to $9.00 per hour (the minimum salary for exempt employees increases to $37,440 per year which is two times the hourly minimum wage based on a 40 hour workweek) . All employers, including doctors of optometry, are required to post in the workplace the new California minimum wage poster reflecting this change.

COA makes available at a members-only substantial discount all 16 federal- and state-required workplace posters; fines for failure to place these posters in your practice can add up to $17,000 in fines. Priced at $52.95 inclusive of tax and shipping, the Space Saver Employer All-in-One Poster Kit is a 26" X 40" full-color laminated poster containing the 16 employment-related mandated workplace postings.  As a bonus, enjoy a one-year subscription service that will provide you with updated posters and other notification requirements as they occur – employment law notices can change any time in a calendar year, just like the new minimum wage poster. 

Click HERE to order or contact COA at (916)-441-3990 for more information.

Return on your dues investment: The placement of required employment law posters can return up to more than 20 times a doctor’s annual dues investment by avoiding potential fines up to $17,000. 

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California Optometric Association
2701 Del Paso Road, Ste. 130-398 | Sacramento, CA 95835 | 833-206-0598