Legislative update | California Optometric Association
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Legislative update

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AB 1877 – VSP sponsored this legislation to establish the California Vision Care Access Council within state government. The bill would require the council to establish a marketplace for the purchase of vision plans through Covered California. COA supports AB 1877 and COA President Dr. John Rosten’s opinion article about the bill was recently published in California Healthline’s Think Tank publication.

AB 1840 – This bill would allow a child’s vision to be appraised using an eye chart or any scientifically validated photoscreening test. The bill was amended to limit the type of vision screening tests that may be used. A previous version would have allowed usage of all scientifically valid vision screening tests. The new amendments only allow scientifically validated photoscreening tests, which addresses COA’s main concern that the bill was too broad. COA continues to press the Legislature about the problems with expanding the flawed vision screening programs at schools. We maintain that the only way to make sure kids arrive at school ready to learn is to require a comprehensive eye exam before children enter school.

SB 1172 – This bill requires school vision appraisals to include tests for near vision. COA worked to convince the author to amend the measure to require a comprehensive eye exam before children enter school. While the author supports our concept, the opposition from the medical community and the cost has made a children’s eye exam mandate bill impossible this year. COA will continue its efforts to advocate for children to receive comprehensive eye exams before they enter school.

AB 2418 – This COA-supported legislation would require health plans to pay for early refills of eye drops. The bill specifically requires early refill of covered topical ophthalmic products at 70 percent of the predicted days of use. Please write a letter to the governor in support.

AB 2533 – This bill allows patients to be treated out-of-network if no in-network provider is available. The out-of-network provider must agree to the same terms as in-network provider contracts. The bill was recently amended to prevent the new doctor from balance billing the patient any amount in excess of the in-network reimbursement rate. COA is in support of the measure.

AB 1522 – This bill would require employers to give employees at least three paid sick days a year. COA did not take a position on the legislation.  

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California Optometric Association
2701 Del Paso Road, Ste. 130-398 | Sacramento, CA 95835 | 833-206-0598