CEOnline: What’s Not Normal About Normal Tension Glaucoma (TPG) | California Optometric Association
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Answer the following ten questions to the best of your ability.

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1. The following are all common characteristics of patients with NTG except: *
2. The following are typical visual field defects of patients with early NTG except: *
3. All of the following statements about OCT scans are true except: *
4.Which of the following is not an advised treatment for patients with NTG? *
5. What is the equation for calculating your patient’s diastolic ocular perfusion pressure? *
6.How many points test the central 20 degrees in a Humphrey 24-2 visual field? *
7. The following statements about ICP and glaucoma are true except: *
8. For patients with NTG, what purpose do optic nerve photos serve? *
9. The following statements about blood pressure and glaucoma are true except: *
10. You see a 72 year old white male for the first time in your clinic. During the exam, you measure the IOP to be 22 OD and 35 OS. Slit lamp exam reveals iris TIDs at the pupillary margin OS>OD and clear deposits on the anterior lens surface in a spoke-like pattern OS>OD. With gonioscopy, scleral spur is visible in all quadrants OU, and there is speckled pigment in the angle OU. Dilated fundus exam reveals C/D of 0.75 OD and 0.85 OS, and there is a superior nasal visual field defect OS with a screening visual field test. What is the most likely diagnosis? *


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California Optometric Association
2701 Del Paso Road, Ste. 130-398 | Sacramento, CA 95835 | 833-206-0598